Mr. Tshering Tenzin, Deputy Chief Auditor, working in SAI Bhutan for almost decade. He has Bachelor Degree in Commerce (B.Com) Honors from Delhi University, Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM), from Royal Institute of Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), from University of Canberra, Australia. And also a 2011 batch Indian Audit & Accounts Services (IA&AS), reputed and regarded gazetted officer, graduated from Shimla, India. Prior to joining in Head quarter, he was based in eastern and central Regional Audit Offices, which made him a versed in field and rich cross-cultural auditor in SAI Bhutan.
The audit of risk and disaster management remain the top priority with same audit methodologies and approaches.
How SAI Bhutan works with Stakeholders to response the disaster and risk management in Bhutan?
Besides global Covid-19 pandemic, Bhutan is vulnerable to myriad natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, glacial lake out-burst floods (GLOF), landslides, and forest fires. Compounding exposure to natural hazards are the underlying vulnerabilities of Bhutan, including poor construction techniques, rapid urbanization and low levels of understanding in disaster management practices. Despite these challenges, the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) has made substantial progress in disaster risk management (DRM). The 2013 Disaster Management Act was established under National Disaster Management Authority and Disaster Management Committees in all 20 dzongkhags (Districts). With constant support from the RGoB, World Food Programme (WFP) has been present in Bhutan since 1974 supporting a range of food security, nutrition and DRM goals. The WFP Country Strategic Plan (CSP) identifies disaster risk management as a core area of focus for 2019-2023 with the Strategic Outcome 2: Government has strengthened capability to address food security and nutrition challenges and prepare and respond to crises.
The priority actions for Government, UN agencies and other developmental partners to respond to identified gaps in disaster management. The Roadmap has six focus areas: Disaster Aware-ness; Data Preparedness; Governance; Co-ordination; Resourcing; and Sector Preparedness. Under each of these sectors, a set of actions with corresponding timeline, budget, outcome and partners are articulated. In response to six focus areas: SAI Bhutan needs to design the procedures and plan the audit methodology to address the issues, how the following areas were initiated:
- Disaster Awareness;
- Data Preparedness;
- Governance; Co-ordination; and
- Resourcing; and Sector Preparedness.
SAI Bhutan continuously engage the stakeholders at the National Level to implement the disaster & risk management to fulfill it mandates by way of auditing and reporting and also providing the constructive recommendations.