SAI Bahrain

NAO Bahrain employees learn about Artificial Intelligence
The National Audit Office of the Kingdom of Bahrain (NAO) hosted training sessions on artificial intelligence (AI) for 86 of its employees at the beginning of the year.
The training comes within the NAO’s framework for informing its employees about the latest developments and best practices in the audit field and raising their productivity.
Participants learned about using artificial intelligence techniques in audit work, their benefits and role in empowering Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) employees, the required resources, and associated risks. The trainers discussed practical examples of AI application in the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) and hinted at future deployment of AI in the audit field.
The training was conducted by Taka Ariga, Chief Data Scientist and Director of the Innovation Lab at US GAO and Alex Gromadzki, Senior Data Scientist at the US GAO Innovation Lab.

NAO Bahrain joins Kick-off meeting of Special Committee on Establishing INTOSAI WGFA
HE Dr Isa Nasser Alnoaimi, Assistant Auditor General for Administrative Audit and Head of the Forensic Audit Team, and Mr. Mohamed Isa Alaradi, Administrative Audit Director and member of the Forensic Audit team at the National Audit Office (NAO) took part in the kick-off meeting of the Special Committee on the establishment of a Working Group on Follow-up Audit (WGFA) of Supreme Audit Institutions approved by the Steering Committee of INTOSAI’s Knowledge Sharing Committee.
The committee was formed to study the feasibility of establishing a working group on the follow-up of audit reports and how to increase the impact of those reports on added value. The aim is to enhance the quality of public funds protection systems and support the development of constructive recommendations to improve the effectiveness of audited entities.
The meeting, chaired by HE Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi, Auditor General of SAI Malaysia, discussed the objectives of the Special Committee and offered an opportunity for SAIs to exchange their experience on following up on audit report and identify relevant best practices. The Special Committee includes 18 SAIs, and its work will continue until July 2024.

NAO Bahrain attends closed session on "Joint Responsibility in Protecting Public Resources"
HE Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Auditor General of the Bahrain National Audit Office (NAO), attended the closed dialogue session on "Joint Responsibility in Protecting Public Resources", organized by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Accountability Authority on the sidelines of the World Government Summit 2024, which was held in Dubai, UAE, in February this year.
The session was attended by heads and representatives from several Supreme Audit Institutions, anti-corruption institutions, relevant international organizations and other stakeholders and discussed the role of these entities in protecting public resources and strengthening institutional partnerships and community participation in this matter. Attendees explored the future of shared responsibility amid evolving governance challenges and emerging trends and opportunities.
The session aimed to enhance cooperation between all relevant parties in promoting the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability at national, regional, and international levels, and reviewed related challenges.Ways to exchange best practices and successful models, case studies for preventing and combating corruption and the problems facing the concept of shared responsibility and strategies to overcome institutional and operational obstacles were discussed.

NAO Bahrain takes part in Training and Development Committee meeting of GCC Supreme Audit Institutions
The Training and Development Committee of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) discussed the topics proposed by the National Audit Office (NAO) of Bahrain regarding the implementation of the operational plan based on the strategic training plan and the training approved within the training plan for the years 2024 and 2025 which had been drafted by the NAO Bahrain for employees of GCC SAIs.
The operational plan aims to develop the capabilities and skills of GCC SAI employees as well as the institutional capabilities in training, development, and expertise through exchanging experiences and enhancing cooperation in skills and knowledge development, scientific research, and vocational qualifications.
At the meeting, representatives from the NAO Bahrain, Aysha Ahmed Adam, Human and Financial Resources Director, Administration Superintendents Qotoof Abdulwahab Naqi and Ayda Abdullah Alqaed, and Yusuf Almahmood, International Cooperation Superintendent reviewed with the other participants the report of the GCC General Secretariat on the programs implemented for the training plan 2023, the preparation of an applied study on the topics of the sixth GCC for Research and Studies Competition in the field of Auditing and Accounting, and the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the King Fahd National Library in Riyadh.

NAO Bahrain at FIPP meeting in Luxembourg
The National Audit Office (NAO) of Bahrain participated in the meeting of the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) held in Luxembourg recently.
The meeting, which was attended by Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Buti, Director Regularity Audit at the NAO, discussed the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) initiatives for the years 2023-2028 for submission to the Steering Committee of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) and decided that official invitations would be sent to SAIs to join the teams responsible for implementing these initiatives.
The SDP initiatives include standardizing the terminology used in drafting and translating standards, reclassifying International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) core principles within the framework of professional standards, facilitating access and use of professional standards by members of SAIs, increasing clarity and consistency in the terminology used in the formulation of standards, and revising guidelines within the framework of professional standards.
The NAO has been a FIPP member since January 2020. FIPP is one of INTOSAI’s permanent body with the task to consider and propose how to develop the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) framework to maintain and improve the quality of professional standards and strengthen public sector auditing.
Since 2005, the NAO has also been a member of INTOSAI’s PSC Steering Committee as a representative of the Arab Organization for Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI).

The State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) successfully organized the commemoration ceremony of its 30th anniversary
From July 9-11, 2024, SAV hosted a series of events to celebrate its 30th anniversary (July 11, 1994 - July 11, 2024). A highlight of the celebration was the international conference “Role of Supreme Audit Institution in Anti-Corruption for Transparency, Public Integrity, and Good Governance.” This conference, chaired by SAV, attracted leaders from 11 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) including South Africa, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Singapore, France, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, as well as representatives from international organizations such as UNODC, CAAF, WB, and ACCA. Distinguished representatives from different SAIs and organizations attended the Conference
The conference aimed to assess the role of SAIs in combating corruption, especially considering its global prevalence as a societal issue impacting economic growth and sustainable development. Corruption has been identified as a barrier to effective public administration, undermining the efficient use of public finances and assets.
The event featured four keynote speeches from the SAIs of South Africa, Indonesia, UNODC and Viet Nam, alongside panel discussions with speakers from the SAIs of South Africa, France, Brazil, Indonesia, and UNODC. Topics included the roles and mandate of SAIs in anti-corruption efforts, their coordination with other agencies, legal frameworks, human resources, and necessary technical capabilities for conducting anti-corruption audits. Participants also shared experiences in detecting fraud and corruption, exchanging information with investigative authorities, and proposing investigative audit techniques and methodologies to uncover fraud and corruption.
Through these discussions, SAIs aimed to enhance their knowledge and operational experience in contributing to anti-corruption efforts and to plan their future activities.
This diplomatic event marks a significant milestone for SAV, highlighting its 30-year journey of growth and development, and reinforcing its global influence and engagement.